Seeds of Wisdom Logo 2022


A Message from the Seeds of Wisdom Family



Dear Seeds of Wisdom / Sacred Fire Foundation supporter;

I am passing along a letter with important news from our President, Mary Wilson, a Māori woman from Aotearoa / New Zealand. Here is Mary’s letter: 

Kia ora koutou katoa / Greetings to our Seeds of Wisdom Global Family….


After careful consideration and reflection, the Seeds of Wisdom Board has made the difficult decision to close Seeds of Wisdom. This was not an easy choice, as the Board took into account several factors, including the challenging global economic climate, which has affected our ability to remain operational.


We are deeply grateful for the unwavering support we received from our donors and partner investors who believed in the vision of Seeds of Wisdom, including the Sacred Fire Foundation.


Over the past 12 years, the ‘Protecting the Sacred’ program has awarded $844,000 (USD) to 197 Indigenous community projects across 32 countries. These programs have supported a range of vital initiatives, including native language revitalization, food sovereignty, ceremony and prayer gatherings, sacred site protection, native herbal healing, and the sharing of intergenerational Indigenous knowledge.


Our website highlights the many benefits our grantee community partners have received. Our ‘Voices of the Indigenous’ mini-documentary covers visits to Mexico where past and recent partners shared their powerful stories. We also supported gatherings that brought together audiences with Indigenous Elders and Wisdom Keepers to hold ceremonies reconnecting with the land, spirits, and Ancestors. You can find various videos of Elders presenting their wisdom on our website here:


None of this would have been possible without your generous contributions. We are truly grateful to have had the support of individuals like you who believe in the vision and spirit of Seeds of Wisdom.


I acknowledge the dedicated efforts of our staff, volunteers and advisors, as well as our Board and Council of Elders, who provided sage guidance. While we may not witness the full fruition of the seeds we’ve planted, we are proud to have contributed to the global movement for change, working towards a better future for Mother Earth and Humanity.


Nga mihinui ki a koutou katoa / Kind regards to you all,

Mary Wilson

President, Seeds of Wisdom


Seeds of Wisdom was born out of the work of Sacred Fire Foundation, which was formed and received non-profit status in 2005. With your various contributions, the two organizations have been supporting the revitalization of ancestral wisdom traditions around the world for nearly twenty years. 

A small number of us are completing the business needed to bring Seeds of Wisdom to a close with integrity. All recurring donation set-ups were cancelled on January 4, 2025. Those of you who donated in the first few days of 2025 will receive a refund very soon.

I join Mary in thanking you for your vision of a better world and for the various ways you have contributed.

I feel blessed to have been a part of this great movement toward re-establishing a more harmonious world since its inception. Please reach out if you have any questions.

With warmth and love,

Sherry Morgan

Founding President, Sacred Fire Foundation

Donor Relations, Seeds of Wisdom



Seeds of Wisdom (formerly Sacred Fire Foundation) invests in two Community Partnership programs – Protecting the Sacred and Seeds of Trust. We partner with Indigenous communities and grassroots organizations around the world on projects and programs that strengthen and revitalize the worldviews, sacred teachings and lifeways under threat from a wide range of issues including the climate crisis, globalization, and continued colonization.  When Indigenous communities are strong, we all benefit. As Oren Lyons, Faithkeeper of the Onondaga Nation says, these traditional ways are “important because everything is so unstable. The more we can rely on the original instructions, the better.”


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Perhaps at no time in human history has our need for connection, community, and coming together in a sacred way and place, been greater.  Through our in-person and virtual gatherings, we seek to elevate Indigenous voices and create pathways for participants to join in the conversation thereby opening the space for dialogue and perspectives that can empower and enlighten. Voices of Wisdom looks for ways to bring people together from diverse backgrounds and belief systems around the same sacred fire.  As Elders Council Member Kahontawkwas Diane Longboat (Mohawk Nation at Six Nations Grand River Territory) says, “We can still have a sacred connection, even if we are not together.”


Though our Voices of Wisdom events have been paused for the past few years because of travel restrictions and out of respect for the precautions taken by Indigenous communities to protect the Elders, we are reimagining the format and content to better reflect the organizations new vision and intention. We will continue to host our annual Wisdom Treasure Award ceremony which honors the lifelong commitment of Indigenous Elders to their culture and community.  Stay tuned for details about our 2022 award ceremony!



Perhaps at no time in human history has our need for connection, community, and coming together in a sacred way and place, been greater.  Through our in-person and virtual gatherings, we seek to elevate Indigenous voices and create pathways for participants to join in the conversation thereby opening the space for dialogue and perspectives that can empower and enlighten. Seeds of Trust looks for ways to bring people together from diverse backgrounds and belief systems around the same sacred fire.  As Elders Council Member Kahontawkwas Diane Longboat (Mohawk Nation at Six Nations Grand River Territory) says, “We can still have a sacred connection, even if we are not together.”


Though our Voices of Wisdom events have been paused for the past few years because of travel restrictions and out of respect for the precautions taken by Indigenous communities to protect the Elders, we are reimagining the format and content to better reflect the organizations new vision and intention. We will continue to host our annual Wisdom Treasure Award ceremony which honors the lifelong commitment of Indigenous Elders to their culture and community.  Stay tuned for details about our 2022 award ceremony!



Support indigenous worldview.


Are you looking for a deeper connection to Seeds of Wisdom (formerly Sacred Fire Foundation) and the Indigenous Elders, communities and organizations with whom we partner? Consider joining our Circle of Advisors, sharing your expertise and experience. Join a committee and become an Ambassador to strengthen and broaden the reach of the board. Your gifts are needed and deeply appreciated!  By working together, we can make this bold vision a reality!


Participate to further indigenous wisdom for future generations!