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Seeds of Wisdom Logo 2022
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Sensibilización y Empoderamiento de la Juventud Indígena de Nahuizalco


Movimiento de Unificación Indígena de Nahuizalco (MUINA)


El Salvador
A group of people listening to an acoustic musical performance.

Sensibilización y Empoderamiento de la Juventud Indígena de Nahuizalco

A group of people listening to an acoustic musical performance.


Movimiento de Unificación Indígena de Nahuizalco (MUINA)


El Salvador

This project aligns with the following Sustainable Development Goals. To learn more about the United Nations SDGs, please click here


MUINA works with young people and children as direct beneficiaries, with the expectation of teaching the Nahuat language and music with ancestral instruments.

The project will teach students how to play traditional musical instruments with the purpose of strengthening knowledge in the youth and advancing artistic development.

The Nahuat language will be taught as a strategy for intergenerational transmission and revitalization of cultural identity among young people. There will be 8 days of teaching the Nahuat language, with 25 young people from seven rural communities in the municipality of Nahuizalco.

Workshops to identify cultural and spiritual skills in young people will be supported through activities that train the youth about the challenges that Indigenous youth currently face.  A spiritual guide will lead the sessions.

5 introductory sessions will be organized to support the process of training spiritual guides in order to implement the transmission of spiritual knowledge to the Indigenous youth of the municipality. It will be the first stage on this topic.

With the purpose of motivating young people and evaluating the activities of the project, a two-day conference will be held, with the participation of 25 young people plus a facilitator and five people for logistical aspects. This activity will be carried out outside the municipality of Nahuizalco.

A youth assembly will be held, with the purpose of socializing and informing the participants, and promoting the incorporation of new young people, as well as promoting leadership and prominence in young people.

Youth Council meetings will take place to promote leadership and develop monitoring, planning and evaluation methods on the part of youth. Two meetings will be held with council members.