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Seeds of Wisdom Logo 2022
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In Solidarity

IN SOLIDARITY. In one of the hundreds of treasured conversations I’ve been blessed to have with Pauline Tangiora, the subject of us all being “one people” came up. I don’t remember the context or who shared that very common vision, but Pauline, in her gentle but stern...

What is “Indigenous”?

From recent opinion pieces in The Hill on the importance of listening to the wisdom and worldview of Native and Aboriginal Elders to protect our planet, to stories about the connection between Indigenous knowledge, the protection of biodiversity and the prevention of...

Everything is Sacred

This is a message to everyone who we have had the honor to share space with, in-person at one of our events, digitally through our social media, perhaps even just through e-mail. We are reaching out to you today to remind you, during this very challenging and...