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Seeds of Wisdom Logo 2022
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Restore the Indigenous Chicken “Enkoko Ennansi”

Our organization, Impact Integrated Agro-enterprises, is guided by a mission to save and multiply the endangered indigenous animal breeds through engaging local communities that still have traces of these animals.  For the past six years, we’ve made keen observations...

K’oben, Resilient Fires

Thanks to this project, ancestral ceremonies and rituals will once again be conducted in three important Mayan sacred sites. Led by Mayan elders and shared with new generations and the participating communities through the Indigenous ways of transmitting knowledge,...

Identity and empowerment of Nahuat Pipil Youth

The main goals of this project are to empower young people to develop skills and abilities that will improve their self-esteem and sense of Indigenous identity; to make and learn to play traditional musical instruments; to celebrate their culture; and to set an...