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Seeds of Wisdom Logo 2022
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Andean Legacy Project

The Kusi Kawsay Association seeks to empower children, youth, and adults of Indigenous communities in the Sacred Valley through the creation and support of three permanent, multidisciplinary programs: the Kusi Kawsay Andean School, the Kusi Ñan Organic Farm, and Ñawpa...

Seed Saving and Climate Resilience in the Peruvian Andes

Seeds hold stories of place, carrying history and culture through generations. Humans and seeds share an interconnected history. They are the stories of our past and the keys to our future. This project is designed to create a local seed-saving hub for small-scale,...

HEAL Guatemala

The HEAL Guatemala model is based on a year-long program of Mayan medicine training sessions and clinics. This program will help young Indigenous medicine women participate as traditional health builders and pillars of their community, acquiring and promoting...