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Seeds of Wisdom Logo 2022
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Agrobiodiversity with Shuar Spirituality and Identity

A Shuar Ancestral Bio-Garden will be established to select, cultivate, recover and manage a seed bank for traditional species of ancestral medicinal and comestible plants. Over the course of 12 months, the Sacred Forest Foundation will create a basic technical team...

White Eye Traditional Knowledge Education Camp 2018

Intended as a place of learning for Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples alike, the White Eye Traditional Knowledge Camp is an effort to preserve and revitalize the local traditional Indigenous knowledge carried by Gwich’in culture-bearers, and to pass this on to...

Bon Shaman Temple in Simikot, Humla, Nepal

Humla Fund  The civil war in Nepal had a devastating impact on traditional life in the remote Humla District of Nepal. Most profound was the destruction of the shaman temples in the villages. The native Humli people believe that when the temples were destroyed, the...

Jtsunibtik sok lekil weeltik (Our crops and safe food)

Jtsunibtik sok lekil weeltik (Our Crops and Safe Food) is a project whose main objective is the saving of native grains still in use in Indigenous communities. The creation of a seed bank would involve the rescue of seeds of more than three varieties of local corn, as...