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Seeds of Wisdom Logo 2022
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Revitalizing the Sacred

Recipient Muonde Trust Location Zvishavane District, Zimbabwe Tradition VaRemba Timespan July 2016 – July 2017 Amount $5,250.00 Website Focus Areas Language, Art, and Culture; Ritual and Ceremony; Youth “With the strong encouragement of...

Black Line Journey 2014

Recipient The Elders Project Location Santa Marta, Colombia Traditions Arhuaco; Kankuamo; Kogui; Wiwa Timespan February 2014 Amount $20,000.00 Website Focus Areas Earth Stewardship; Language, Art, and...

Gathering of Condolence, Strength and Peace

Recipient American Indian Institute Location Mississippi Headwaters, MN, USA Tradition Intertribal Timespan June 2012 Amount $11,489.00 Website Focus Areas Language, Art, and Culture; Ritual and Ceremony American Indian Institute and...

Wirikuta Fund 2013

Recipient Mucaxiuya Community Location Mezquitic, Jalisco, México Tradition Huichol (Wixarika) Timespan November 2013 Amount $1,700.00 Focus Areas Ritual and Ceremony The Wirikuta Fund is exclusively dedicated to supporting the Wixarika, also known as Huichol, peoples...