Through the Asociación Centro Indígena para el Desarrollo Sostenible – CINDES organization in Peru, 10 Shipibo-Konibo communities will participate in a deliberate reconnection to their ancestral medicines and food through meetings and sessions in each community. Each community will allocate sacred lands for the activities as well as organize the participation of young volunteers. Through these various social networks, ancestral wisdom will be prioritized and a core of participants will develop “Ancestral Spirituality” committees to further the understanding of all aspects and expressions, such as the arts, language, and cultural practices of spirituality.
Integral to the identity of the Shipibo-Konibo are their ancestral medicine and food. And through meaningful social networking designed by this project, 10 different Peruvian communities—Sol Naciente, Santa Elisa, Ceylan, San Rafael, Junin Pablo, Caimito, Nuevo Loreto, Buenos Aires, Nueva Yarina, Puerto Purin—will prioritize reconnecting to their understanding of their ancestral medicine and food. Each will then share their revelations through live radio and television programs. A strategic ally is the Andean Tapir Fund, which contributes to and strengthens native wildlife knowledge and generally partners in the pursuit of protecting ancestral knowledge practices.