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Frecuencias de palabras nube


Poj Kaa A.C.


Frecuencias de palabras nube


Poj Kaa A.C.


This project aligns with the following Sustainable Development Goals. To learn more about the United Nations SDGs, please click here


Through Binniguenda Ñaa Ne Lachi AC, the Frecuencias de Palabras Nube project seeks to improve life for the Binnizá (Zapotec) people in their community on the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. On this narrow strip of land, resources are limited and exploited. In September of 2017, earthquakes not only devastated the area, but many lives were taken and the communities have been slow to rebuild. The COVID-19 pandemic has stymied progress further, and prioritized basic survival methods, in part contributing to the Binnizá people having less identification with their cultural and spiritual lives. Frecuencias de Palabras Nube will reconnect communities with the strength of their identity through the institution of cultural practices and construction of significant communal spaces. 

In particular, this project will facilitate the building of a communal Xpacheeza ’Binniguenda space, which will involve the voluntary work of bricklayers, electricians and carpenters. As well, the community volunteers will equip and make functional the beloved Radio Comunitaria Totopo through the manufacture of the transmission antenna and the training of individuals in the operation and production of the radio, so that the station can broadcast programs on language, spirituality, and the expression of young people and female Elders. While these community outlets are gaining traction, there will be activities—such as Zapotec language trainings, Elder dialogues, and rituals, in the form of a pilgrimage for the rescue of the sacred place Guelazada and the feast of the Santa Cruz de los Pescadores—available to heal and reinforce the community fabric. Frecuencias de Palabras Nube serves as a catalyst to reconnect the community from the perspective of what is important in their culture.