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Seeds of Wisdom Logo 2022
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Pitzer’s Native Youth to College Program

Celebrating its 10th anniversary, the Native Youth to College Program (NY2C) is a college preparatory program designed to motivate Native high school students to complete their education, successfully apply to college, and strengthen their self-esteem. Currently,...

Bon Shaman Temple in Simikot, Humla, Nepal

Humla Fund  The civil war in Nepal had a devastating impact on traditional life in the remote Humla District of Nepal. Most profound was the destruction of the shaman temples in the villages. The native Humli people believe that when the temples were destroyed, the...

Yakanal: Our Mother Moon

For Indigenous youth, a strong cultural identity is critical to making appropriate decisions for themselves and their people. To be empowered as agents of positive change for their communities, young adults, specifically women, can benefit from intentional and...

Jtsunibtik sok lekil weeltik (Our crops and safe food)

Jtsunibtik sok lekil weeltik (Our Crops and Safe Food) is a project whose main objective is the saving of native grains still in use in Indigenous communities. The creation of a seed bank would involve the rescue of seeds of more than three varieties of local corn, as...

Nippeash Waapemooash (Waters Rise Up).

Nippeash Waapemooash (Waters Rise Up) is a developing tribal civics/rites of passage initiative aimed at addressing the unique challenges Nipmuc youth experience and promoting a positive sense of self-worth and cultural pride within the tribe. The goal is to prepare...