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Seeds of Wisdom Logo 2022
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U kool úuchben maaya´ob (the Mayan ancestor’s cornfield)

This important project aims to rescue and revalue language and ancestral wisdom for the local Mayan children, youth, as well as for the entire community of Sanahcat in Yucatán, Mexico. Through sacred ceremonies, workshops on Mayan identity and language, the creation...

Centro Ceremonial Tseriekame

Recipient Centro Ceremonial Tseriekame Location Mezquitic, Jalisco Tradition Huichol (Wixarika) Timespan Amount $1,345.00 Focus Areas Ritual and Ceremony The Wirikuta Fund is exclusively dedicated to supporting the Wixarika, also known as Huichol, peoples to preserve...

Elders Forum and Ceremony

Recipient Slave River Coalition Location Mackenzie River Basin, Canada Tradition Smith Landing's First Nation Timespan August 2017 Amount $3,000.00 Website Focus Areas Awareness Building; Earth Stewardship; Ritual and Ceremony “In the process of...