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Seeds of Wisdom Logo 2022
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1st Innovative Young Indigenous Leaders Symposium

Recipient Young Indigenous Leaders Symposium Location Vancouver, BC, Canada Timespan June 2017 Amount $3,000.00 Website Focus Areas Awareness Building; Language, Art, and Culture; Youth “The main purpose of this project is to bring...

Akha Children’s Language & Culture School

Recipient Awakened Connections Location Chiang Rai, Thailand Timespan June 2017 - April 2018 Amount $2,500.00 Website Focus Areas Language, Art, and Culture; Youth “There is nothing like treating people with dignity after...

Traditional Knowledge Education Camp

Recipient White Eye Traditional Knowledge Educations Program Location Alaska, USA Tradition Gwich'in Timespan June – July 2017 Amount $2,750.00 Website Focus Areas Food and Healing;...

Nii Juinti

Recipient Corazón de la Amazonía Nii Juinti Location Pucalpa, Perú Tradition Shipibo Timespan July 2017 - June 2018 Amount $4,000.00 Website Focus Areas Education; Language, Art, and Culture; Ritual and Ceremony; Youth “I am a medicine man....

Pre-school Language Class

Recipient The Hopi Preschool (Hopitutuqaiki) Location Hotevilla, Arizona, USA Tradition Hopi Timespan June – December 2017 Amount $4,000.00 Website Focus Areas Education; Language, Art, and Culture; Youth “hopilvayit aw yankyààkyang...