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Seeds of Wisdom Logo 2022
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125th Anniversary of Wounded Knee Massacre Ceremony

Recipient American Indian Institute Location Wounded Knee, South Dakota, USA Tradition Suquamish Timespan December 2015 Amount $2,500.00 Website Focus Areas Ritual and Ceremony “The elders remember the Wounded Knee tragedy with the deepest,...

Clearwater, People of the Salish Sea

Recipient Clearwater Film LLC Location Puget Sound, WA, USA Tradition Suquamish Timespan 12 months Amount $5,000.00 Website Focus Areas Awareness Building; Language, Art, and Culture “During the Fall of 2010, we began working...

Wirikuta Fund 2015

Recipient Taata Paritsika Xamainuri Community Location Mezquitic, Jalisco, Mexico Tradition Huichol (Wixarika) Timespan March 2015 Amount $2,436.00 Focus Areas Earth Stewardship; Ritual and Ceremony The Wirikuta Fund is exclusively dedicated to supporting the...

Kompu Lof Ni Kimeltuwe

Recipient Mapuche Llaguipulli Community Location Araucanía, Chile Tradition Mapuche Timespan 12 months Amount $2,000.00 Focus Areas Education; Food and Healing “In our community, parents still take their children to receive healing from the machi, or traditional...

Ogichidaawag Youth Camp

Recipient White Earth Land Recovery Project Location Northern Minnesota, United States Tradition Ojibwe Timespan 12 months Amount $2,500.00 Website Focus Areas Youth “We believe that a strong tribal nation protects the integrity of its culture and...