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Seeds of Wisdom Logo 2022
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Asociación Intercultural Bari Wesna

Bari Wesna is an internationally recognized organization representing the worldview of Amazonian Indigenous people, strengthening the local development processes based on the empowerment of Indigenous women and communities, and the conservation of forests in communal...

Festival Tupac Amaru

Escuela Rebelde Saturnino Huillca have been working on the dissemination and revaluation of their ancestral culture, through the articulation and visibility of the different communities and their daily struggles against extraactivism and other processes that endanger...

Busureliami Program

Busureliami means “Inner Awakening”. Funding supported The Busure’liami Cultural Education program which provides monolingual education on traditional knowledge and practice to strengthen the cultural identity of Tarahumara children and to strengthen the ability of...

Strengthening Women and Youth for Peacebuilding in Chiapas

CORECO’s mission is to “Contribute to the peacebuilding processes, transformation of conflicts and the promotion of a Culture of Peace, towards Good Living”. CORECO promotes training processes and positive conflict transformation training, facilitation of...