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Seeds of Wisdom Logo 2022
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Bushmen Healing Renaissance Journey

-Nanette Flemming- My sincere hope is that the report reflects the wonder and transformation that transpired out of this trip, not to mention the relationships that were built between the three communities. It was truly magical to witness. So true gratitude from all...

uMoya (The Spirit)

This project is aimed at self-sustenance, health and well-being, spiritual guidance, Indigenous knowledge in various traditional ways, and keeping the culture alive and thriving.  The project is led by a descendant of the late great Zulu Sangoma (healer), Baba Credo...

Cultivation of Traditional Medicinal Herbs

The program will involve training 100 people on the cultivation of general medicinal herbs including herbs for birthing and teas. There will be establishment of two (2) traditional herbal nursery beds from which a supply of seedlings, seeds and cuttings will be shared...