In 2022, Seeds of Wisdom funded 12 projects in 9 countries, totalling over $73,000.
Indigenous Peoples Movement for Self-Determination and Liberation (IPMSDL)
Project Name: Revitalizing Indigenous Identity of Cordilleran Diaspora with Music and Dance
Country: Philippines
PAZESA Horticultural Community
Project Name: Restoration of the CHEWA Indigenous language, food, wisdom, & healing practices
Country: Zambia
Kivulini Trust
Project Name: Promoting, teaching, and documenting the Oromo mother tongue in schools in northern Kenya
Country: Kenya
African Institute for Culture and Ecology (AFRICE)
Project Name: Strengthening custodianship of Bagungu Sacred Natural Sites and ancestral lands along Lake Albert
Country: Uganda
Society for Alternative Learning and Transformation (SALT)
Project Name: The Crisis of the Grand Falls Dam Construction at Kibuka Sacred Natural Site, Tharaka
Country: Kenya
Ugenya Youth Community Development Project (UYCDP)
Project Name: Preserving Traditional Knowledge through Intergenerational Digital Storytelling Among Luo of Kenya
Country: Kenya
Hand to Hand
Project Name: Enhancing native knowledge on Indigenous tree species among the Maasai and Kisii Communities
Country: Kenya
Fundación Intercultural Humanitaria Jakon Rama
Project Name: Strengthening our ancestral Shipibo songs
Country: Peru
Force of Wayuu Women
Project Name: Searching for the Marks of the Asho'ojushi
Country: Colombia
Jovenes Articulando Territorios AC
Project Name: The voices of our grandfathers and grandmothers: bastion of the memory and culture of the people
Country: Mexico
Patronato Pro Escuela Preparatoria por Cooperación de San Francisco Ixhuatán, Oaxaca
Project Name: Juventud y Didxaza
Country: Mexico
Billiaum Whale Dreaming Ltd
Project Name: Mirning Language Protection & Transmission
Country: Australia