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Seeds of Wisdom Logo 2022
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Serving Our Spirits Logo
Seeds of Wisdom (formerly Sacred Fire Foundation) is partnering with Serving Our Spirits (S.O.S.) a kindred organization whose mission and grant-making priorities are detailed below.


Serving Our Spirits supports Indigenous communities and wisdom keepers’ efforts to preserve and carry out the ceremonies and rituals that feed the Spirits and deepen personal and cultural connection to the Spirits. In doing so, S.O.S. strives to help preserve and revitalize animistic traditions and beliefs, shamanic and related medicine practices, traditional Indigenous language, lore and knowledge, and to help protect, maintain and invigorate the numinous sacred places where Spirits dwell.

The S.O.S. fund supports:

1. Ceremonies, rituals, pilgrimages and spiritual gatherings that need to be done at this crucial turning point in human history.

2. Traditional practices and projects that protect the Spirits and the numinous homes of the Spirits: sacred natural sites and cultural landscapes where Spirits dwell, and which are especially important to the Spirits.

3. Projects that aid, protect and preserve those who work with the Spirits, namely: Elders, shamans, medicine people, sacred site guardians, wisdom keepers, and others.

4. Projects that preserve and pass on the ceremonies, rituals, practices and knowledge of shamans, medicine people, Elders, wisdom keepers and native communities — including traditional knowledge, stories, and Indigenous languages.

Please note: S.O.S. does not, as a rule, support technology purchases, general public festivals and events, land rights cases, purchase or acquisition of land, or direct legal or law enforcement efforts.

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